The Next Chapter Mindset
This podcast builds on our new book The Next Chapter - Change The Mindset, Change Your Life - targetting 38 - 75 year olds, it builds on the regenerative power a midlife event can bring with a glass-half-full mindset. Uplifting and empowering yet pragmatic wisdom garnered from 30 years of face-to-face conversations with our real estate clients, we share their insights, learnings and collective wisdom.
Podcasting since 2024 • 4 episodes
The Next Chapter Mindset
Latest Episodes
Why having a "PLAN B" can Crash-Proof your Life
In this episode, we delve into how change can derail our lifestyle plans and the importance of having a Plan B when the winds of change place speed bumps, distractions and detours in our path. While there's no “undo,” “reboot,” or “delete” butt...

The Next Chapter - Is Buying A Home With One of Our Kids A Bad Idea?
This podcast explores the pitfalls of the Intergenerational home. While the Extended familly home is certainly not a new concept - it's existed for centuries, is deeply embedded in many cultures and accompanies those who immigrate to our countr...

Why Our Mindset is So Important in Today's Uncertain World
This podcast discusses how... in life, what happens to us and around us may not be our choice but how we respond, always is offers a healthy approach to managing the expectation gap between the world we hoped for and the reality of the world ar...